Recent problems among several of our financial institutions have revealed greed and dishonesty on the part of those responsible for managing money belonging to others. The Scripture says, “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful” (1 Cor. 4:2). Clearly, the mismanagement of funds committed to their trust is a serious breach of moral ethics. These unjust stewards are deserving of public scorn and prosecution for putting those institutions at risk.
But there is another class of stewards who are to be blamed for this fiasco more than the CEO’s of these lending institutions: the elected officials and bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. These paragons of integrity pass laws and establish regulations for everyone else but have proven incapable of managing themselves. Several elected officials have been shown to have had their hands in all the tills they were supposed to be overseeing for the public good. Having politicians regulating financial institutions is like having the fox guarding the hen house.
It has been said, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The power to enrich oneself at the public trough is too great a temptation for most people. “For the love of money is the root of all evil. . .” wrote the Apostle Paul (1 Tim. 6:10). The dispensing of some money among the electorate further procures these elected representatives power to be elected again to do more of the same. Thus, greed and dishonesty rule in our land. This public crisis will not be solved until the private problem of men’s hearts is resolved by a national repentance for these and other sins. If greedy and dishonest representatives of the people continue to be elected, it will be because the majority of the electorate prefers such. No one can expect a change in society until he is willing to make a change in himself.